Profound Impacts
New Zealand
Supporting those who have caused an accidental death
Supporting Yourself
A moment in time has changed life as you knew it.
You can expect to:
Feel strong emotions; shock, fear, despair, sadness...
Feel irrationally angry
Have difficulty sleeping
Have feelings of hopelessness
Be unable to re-engage with usual activities
Feel a sense of losing one’s place in the world
Feel shame, guilt, blame, worthlessness and self-loathing
Be resistant to receiving support
You may have difficulty with:​
Physical body sensations: racing heart, difficulty breathing, nausea...
Being around people
Making simple decisions
Your memory
Coping with silence
Coping with conversation
Listening to music - too emotional, lyrics may be triggering…

Be kind to yourself at this time. Try to share with those who are supporting you how you are feeling. Ask for support if you can.
Pay attention to what 'helps or harms' you as you learn to be in this 'different' world. If what you are doing or thinking is upsetting, try to pivot and change the activity.
If you need help NOW call Suicide Crisis Helpline: 0508 828 865 (0508TAUTOKO) (Available 24/7)
Check out this page on seeking professional help for more supports.
Be Kind To Yourself
You will be going through more than anyone else can imagine, and the task of 'holding on' may seem like a losing battle at times. You don't need to be in this alone.
You are encouraged to:
Find a psychotherapist or counsellor to work with you as you heal.
Join the private Profound Impacts Facebook group where you can connect with others who have experienced similar trauma. This group is for those who have caused accidental death and for those who wish to love and support them.
Attend the monthly meetings established through The Hyacinth Fellowship
Reach out by email to profoundimpacts@gmail.com to gain moral support.
Take time everyday to be in nature, exercise, eat nourishing food and have social connection with those you know care.
Seek out some form of touch or massage. It may be beneficial and help alleviate suffering. Even the act of slowly and gently touching your own hands and arms can provide comfort. A full body massage can be beneficial.
Seek out some form of gentle movement /exercise which may also be beneficial.
Try journalling thoughts & feelings/drawing them/mind mapping/creative expression as this may aid in the gentle processing of complex grief and trauma.

Every day, look for reasons to stay hopeful and in touch with the beauty of the world. Add something to a list, each day, that you are grateful for eg. The sun on your face...
Give yourself the same compassion and grace you would extend to a loved one in the same position as yourself.

Returning to Work
Returning to work can be a daunting experience. You may find it useful to send this list of suggestions ahead of your return.
"As my days look to increase and I integrate back into the world, I wanted to share what I would find helpful when you see me:
Please be patient. I am not the same person as the person you knew before the accident.
Please talk to me - not talking may isolate me.
Please don't act as though nothing has happened - It's okay to acknowledge my pain and the accident. I am living with it always.
Don't feel bad if I cry. It's not because of you or what you have said - it's because I am living through trauma.
Don't hold back 'happy' news. I still enjoy someone else's success or life news.
Whether imagined or real, I feel a sense of blame from others. Please know that it was never my intention to hurt anyone. I am deeply sorry and sad that this event has happened and if I could, I would change, in a heart beat, the circumstances that led to the accident happening."